The Basics
The Broom: What is Paganism? by the Pagan Federation
A very simple overview of Paganism as a category of religions. The Pagan Federation recognizes the rich diversity of traditions that form the body of modern Paganism and knows that it is not possible to describe each and every one. Rather than attempt this, this link is an introduction to six examples of major Pagan traditions.
The Spoon: The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino
The spoon “theory” – actually a metaphor – is used to explain the reduced amount of energy available for the activities of daily living resulting from disability or chronic illness. “Spoonies” are those living with chronic illnesses or disabilities, especially those for whom fatigue and chronic pain constitute part of their daily reality.
Paganism & Accessibility
Pagan Activist – blog
The “Pagan Activist” blog is written by a collection of talented and smart writers. Though it appears that this blog is no longer being maintained or updated, there are great posts in it about all kinds of accessibility issues, as well as discussions of inclusion. We especially recommend “Ritual: Physical Accessibility, Transgender Inclusion, and more” by Shauna Aura Knight.
How to Include the Physically Challenged in Group Rituals – article
An article by A.C. Fisher Aldag in The Llewellyn Journal. A list of suggestions for people running rituals to help make them more inclusive, as well as a list of suggestions for people with physical challenges as to how they can make sure their needs are met.
Paganism & Consent Culture
Pagan Consent Culture – website
This website contains a list of great articles and blog posts about the issues, practices, and tools for creating consent culture in all Pagan communities. There’s also a pledge you can sign, model policies from a variety of Pagan and non-Pagan events and both digital and in-person communities, and a free study guide to accompany the “Pagan Consent Culture” book.
Pagan Consent Culture: Building Communities of Empathy & Autonomy – book
An anthology of essays edited by Christine Hoff Kraemer & Yvonne Aburrow about consent grounded in modern Pagan values and practices. This collection explores issues around consent in a wide variety of spiritual traditions and provides guides to building consent culture.
Paganism & Chronic Illness / Disability
Druid Life – blog
Though not just about illness, when this blog by Nimue Brown does tackle mental health and accessibility, it is with a great deal of skill and knowledge. To go straight to those topics, start with the “mental health“, “health“, and “illness” tags.
Spoons and Broomsticks: Dispelling myths about disabled Pagans – blog
This blog is based in the UK and is run by The Pagan Federation Disabilities Team. They are working to help Pagans with disabilities to get involved in their community. They support both individual Pagans and groups and event organisers who wish to make their events as accessible as possible.